All the objectives of our company are translated in terms of Quality.
Our Quality Department coordinates and controls the correct execution of quality planning in all activities carried out in lapesa.
The certification of our company ISO 9001 since 1993, guarantees quality assurance at all levels, from the beginning of commercial management to the receipt of the product at the facilities of our clients, and its correct operation in accordance with the specifications with which it was designed and built.
In the firm commitment to continuously evolve and improve our Quality System, the Management of LAPESA GRUPO EMPRESARIAL establishes an annual plan of Quality objectives, that defines in a clear, precise and quantifiable way, the results in terms of quality that it intends to achieve, with the incorporation of those technical and human resources necessary for its effective implementation.
DESIGN and R + D + I
Our technical teams work continuously in the design and development of new products, adapted to the natural evolution of markets and the regulations that affect them.
Product design for new applications, improved performance and design of serial products or specific products for special projects adapted to our clients' own needs, are the main activities of our technical departments.
This involves a constant adaptation of our productive means together with the modernization of processes and the application of the most advanced technologies, in addition to the continuous training of human resources, our main objective being to remain in the cutting-edge markets at an international level and give the best possible solution to our clients, with the highest level of quality and competitiveness.
The management of Grupo Lapesa is committed, through its Safety and Environment Guidelines, to perform their activities in a responsible manner, to guarantee the worker protection in the face of occupational risks and the improvement of working life conditions and the Environment, continuously affecting the following main operating bases:
- Compliance with the applicable current legislation and other requirements.
- Implementation and maintenance of an Occupational Health and Safety System (OHSS), adapting it to technological advances and in accordance with the regulatory requirements and the Occupational Risk Prevention Plan. This provides the framework for setting and reviewing objectives and continuous improvement.
- Establishment of programs and actions aimed at preventing damage to workers' health and the environment with the commitment of the continuous improvement of the OHSS.
- Offering consultation and participation to workers on issues that affect their safety, and health and environmental aspects at work.
- Offering training and information to workers on occupational risks and environmental aspects linked to the production process.
- Promotion of awareness and awareness regarding environmental protection and the safety and health of workers.
- Identification of environmental aspects linked to the production process for the environmental protection by taking actions aimed at preventing pollution and reducing consumption, waste, discharges and emissions into the atmosphere.
Lapesa informs its clients of its CODE of ETHICS and CONDUCT with the edition of its manual, thus making public and on a voluntary basis, its commitment to promoting good corporate practices, upright behavior and compliance with the law.
We are convinced that the success of our company depends directly on the values of the corporate culture, which must be shared by all the group's employees and extended to all our collaborators.
Our determination is firm, in the construction of the future of LAPESA, based on responsibility, integrity, transparency and respect. Our Code of Ethics and Conduct guides our decisions and our behavior as a company.
This Code applies to all employees of Grupo LAPESA regardless of their geographical or functional location and the contractual modality determined by their employment relationship or hierarchical level.