Lapesa tanks for H2
After Lapesa's participation in several European projects related to the development of systems for the production and storage of hydrogen, we supplied the first tanks for compressed hydrogen storage, intented for the hydrogen supply station of the H2PORTS project in the Port of Valencia, founded by the Fuel Cell Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, and which will be part of the first hydrogen supply station in an European port, whose objective is focused on providing efficient solutions for a rapid evolution from fossil fuels to fuels with zero emissions, in what comes to the fuel supply infrastructure for the port sector.
Lapesa has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the “Foundation for the development of new Hydrogen technologies in Aragon” since 2004, with continued commitment and participation in projects related to this technology, within the scope of our activity.
We thank all the companies and institutions that are part of the project: ValenciaPort Foundation (coordinator), Valencia Port Authority, National Hydrogen Center, Enagas, Grimaldi Group, MSC Valencia, Ballard, Atena and HysterYale, the trust placed in Lapesa, as a manufacturer of pressure tanks, for this project.